Azure E-Book

Azure® on the Cheap:
How to do more and spend less in the Azure cloud

We have just started our new e-book series, Azure® on the Cheap. The first chapter is entitled, “Part 1: Taking Ownership — Azure Policies Are Your Friend”, and we’d love to send it to you right away. 

This e-book series will contain serious tips and techniques for getting the most out of the Azure cloud platform. Neither the e-book chapters nor the e-mails in which we notify you about them contain advertisements. We do plan to remind you that we do cloud-native architecture and development on Azure and provide contact information, but that’s it.

In future installments we are going to look at:

  1. An Azure policy that limits what developers can deploy based on cost.If a sleepy engineer accidentally deploys a 256-node cluster of top-end Spark VMs, well, let’s just say you don’t want that to happen. I have actually seen this and it ain’t pretty.

  2. Automating the nightly shutdown and morning restart of Azure VMs, which should shave 25% – 35% off their overall cost.

  3. Requiring an additional tag, ExpectedLifetime, which can, in turn, be monitored. Azure can then alert you when resources might be able to be removed.


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For the record:

We do not share your contact information with anyone, and we have a one-click unsubscribe link with every new chapter of the e-book. You’ll probably hear from us about once a month.